When it comes to Japanese weapons, most envision a warrior or samurai with a sword and not just any sword, but the world-renowned Japanese katana – a curved blade engineered...
Japanese craft has a long and traditional history throughout Japan. Included in Japanese craft are handicraft, a sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handmade craft style, that includes a wide...
Japanese lacquerware is a Japanese craft used within a wide range of fine and decorative arts. Japanese lacquerware is crafted from a deep and shiny lustre of black or red,...
Maiko, known as apprentice geisha in Kyoto and Western Japan, have a long and bountiful history. The role of a Maiko is to perform songs and dances, and play the...
Over the last few years, matcha has recently become a highly established ingredient in the modern Western culinary and beverage world and is now well known globally due to its...
Japanese gardens are often affiliated with the natural and botanical culture that the Japanese embrace. Japanese gardens are made to reflect a small landscape with its basic principle being to...
Although Japanese silver has been used in Japan internally since the earliest periods of Japan’s history, the precious metal became most prominent in terms of external trade and industry in...
Japan is widely known to have a very unique society, especially when it comes to Japanese etiquette and even more so when compared to its neighbouring countries in North East...
Japan, like many other countries and cultures, has a rich and mysterious tradition of Japanese Myths and Legends passed down from generation to generation. As is true of any myth,...
Overview Japanese Business Etiquette is quite separate from others, even from those in neighbouring countries in North East Asia. Amongst themselves there is a clear Japanese Business Etiquette in terms...