Unlike Britain, where the different months seem to blend into each other, Japan is well-known for its distinctive and breathtaking seasons. Japan has contrasting climates due to the length of...
There are three main festivals that stand out in Kyoto’s calendar, all of which are highly anticipated. However, this vibrant and bustling city is host to many celebrations, all significant...
As the first precious stone to be worn by mankind, the pearl has an ancient and fascinating history. There is so much allure surrounding the pearl; this precious gem has...
The burning of incense came into Japan in the sixth century from China through Buddhism. Used for spiritual and ceremonial purposes, incense is still used in Japanese Buddhist temples today....
Commonly interpreted as a rice-wine, although made through a brewing process more similar to that of beer, sake (pronounced sa-ke) is a traditional Japanese alcohol that is popular not only...
Sakura season, usually arriving in March or April across Japan’s different regions, is probably the most beautiful time of year to visit Japan and is certainly the most popular amongst...
Tea is an integral part of Japanese society, thus making the tea ceremony so important. Served in a gesture of hospitality to guests and friends, the art of pouring and...
The Japanese folding fan, sensu or ougi, in true Japanese fashion, has become a symbol of beauty and respect. It is believed to have been invented between the sixth and...
Damascene, or Japanese Inlay, is the handcrafted jewellery design made using parts of gold and silver embedded into a base material such as metal. Toledo in Spain is well known...
It might not feel like it just yet, but summer is fast approaching. Although Iced Matcha Green Tea might be the obvious choice for the warmer part of the year,...